Enjoy your fishing with one of the oldest Angling Clubs in the River Clyde catchment area.​
Club Administration
Club Administration
The club is a non profit making organisation and is managed by an elected committee comprising a President, Secretary & Treasurer and committee members.
Each member of the committee is elected to serve a term of one year in office and after that time may step down or stand for re-election.
For the sake of continuity the Presidential term is for two years, with a new Vice President being elected every two years and at the end of this term the VP term steps up to the role of President.
Elections take place during the club's A.G.M. which is usually held in February.
Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
1. The fishing season is from 15th March to 6th October inclusive.
2. New permits will be issued annually. Permits are not transferable.
3. Members are not allowed to kill and take trout measuring less than nine inches.
4. Spinning is stri​ctly prohibited, as is the use of spinning equipment such as spinning rods & fixed spool reels.
5. Permits must be carried at all times when fishing. In the event that a Member is asked to show their permit, it
must be produced.
6. Members are allowed three visitors per season. Visitors must be accompanied by the Member, carry their
visitor’s permit and must produce it if asked by a Member.
7. No dogs allowed.
8. No damage to be done to fences or crops.
9. Members are not allowed to kill more than three fish on any single visit.
10. Only barbless or de-barbed hooks to be used.
11. Any Member infringing these rules could, at the discretion of the Committee, have their membership revoked.
These are ADDITIONAL rules which apply specifically to the Pilmuir Reservoir membership
1. Fly fishing only is allowed.
2. A maximum of 25 anglers can fish the loch at any one time.
3. Life vests must be worn on boats.
4. Cars must display the provided identification on their vehicle dashboard.
5. The gate to the loch is left open by the green keepers during their working day. At all other times it must be
kept locked; the combination number is printed on your permit.
6. You must not drive through the Golf Course to access or leave the Reservoir, the only approved entrance/exit
is from Pilmuir Road. You must not drive onto Golf Club land to pass another car.
7. Cars & other vehicles must be parked only in the areas set aside for the purpose.
8. Members will be held responsible for the state of the Loch side during their visit. Litter must be taken away.
9. Noise should be kept to a minimum.
10. Members are responsible for keeping the boathouse clean and tidy and ensuring that its doors are locked
using the combination padlocks (numbers on permit) at all times.
11. Two of the Golf Club holes straddle the access road and it is expected that any Member, either on foot or in a
car, will not cross in front of the golfers while they are playing i.e. WAIT.
12. Junior Members must be accompanied, from start to finish, by an adult Member.